bhaarati: saadhana - Spiritual practice

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A doctor prescribes different medicines and dosages to different patients. There is no single method that is best for all. Different strokes for different folks. Appropriate spiritual practices are prescribed to each individual based on detailed and careful assessment of where the individual stands, his capabilities, inclinations, strengths and weaknesses. It is wrong to think high or low of these various prescriptions. Every method has its own uses. Only an experienced Guru can give proper guidance. The spiritual aspirant should also strive to asses his or her own stature, inclination, and needs. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. Try to jump steps and you risk falling down. It is thus safer, as a general rule, to start with more basic steps and gradually move to higher and higher levels at a slow, steady and comfortable pace. Achieving even mundane goals in the material world requires great patience and effort. Here too you need to put in steady effort and have patience, you cannot hope to get magical effects in no time. If it does not work, it is not because the method is faulty, it is most probably because you have not done it enough or you have not done it properly. Have faith in the method. Have faith and confidence in yourself too. These are all time tested, proven methods. They have withstood the onslaught of time for thousands of years. Millions have benefitted. There is no need to suspect or doubt. Even the most unscientific-looking methods also have a great science underlying them, only you may be ignorant of it.

The methods described here are generally ordered from simple and more basic to more advanced and complex. However, remember that only an experienced Guru is the best guide for you.

pravRtti and nivRtti maarga: nivRtti maarga is for those who are willing to give up everything for the sake of true knowledge. This is only for the few extraordinary persons willing to take up sanyaasa. This page does not discuss the nivRtti maarga any further. For others, the pravRtti maarga is prescribed. In this latter case, you continue to lead a normal life, doing whatever you have been doing all along. The main difference will be in your attitude towards life. You incorporate minor changes into your life style and reap great practical benefits. This applies to brahmacaari-s (students) as also gRhastha-s (house-holders).

There three major phases in spiritual development. In the first or preparatory stage, we learn to analyze our own life and try to give up bad habits and take up good ones. This may sound simple but it is not so easy. It takes a lot of time and constant effort. Of course if you have already crossed this stage or achieved substantial progress, it would help so much. Each individual must analyze where he/she stands and proceed from there in steps. The second phase is mainly a phase of purifying the mind. Just as only a clean, properly tilled land yields good crop, only a purified mind gives the desired results. The last and final phase is the actual spiritual practice. Even here there are different paths but whichever path one takes, one must be ready for a long and difficult journey. The road to God is not simple but the results will be much than worth all the trouble.

  1. Preparatory Stages:

  2. Mind Control and Purification:

    1. japa - Repetition of God's name:

    2. bhajana - Singing the Glory of the Lord (Light Music):

    3. keertana - Singing the Glory of the Lord (Classical Music):

    4. harikatha - various kinds of satsang, stage performances:

    5. nitya karma - Daily Routines:

    6. saMdhyaa-vaMdana - Prayers to the Sun:

      ooM tat savitur vareeNyaM bhargoo deevasya dhiimahi dhiyoo yoo naH pracoodayaat

      We meditate upon the adorable effulgence of God savitR. May He illumine our intellect and guide our understanding.

    7. puuja - Daily Worship:

    8. tiirtha-yaatra - Pilgrimage:

    9. suurya namaskaara - Prostrations to the Sun:

    10. praaNaayaama - Breathing Control:

    11. dhyaana - Meditation:

    12. svaadhyaaya - Reading the scriptures:

  3. Spiritual Practice:

    1. The Path of karma: Work with Detachment: Suitable for all
    2. The path of bhakti: Devotion: Suitable for those with a strong Heart(Mind)
    3. The path of jnyaana: Knowledge: Suitable for those with a strong Head(Intellect)
    4. The path of haTha yooga: Tune in your Body and Mind through practice: Suitable for those who are not very strong either in the Heart or in the Head


udyameena hi siddhyaMti kaaryaaNi na tu manoorathaiH
na hi suptasya siMhasya mukhee praviSaMti mRgaaH

Success comes only through hard work, mere day-dreaming will not do. Even the Lion, the king of the forest, has to go, hunt and get food, food will not come and fall automatically into the mouth of a lazy sleeping lion.