bhaarati: The smRti-s: puraaNa-s

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brahma-vaivarta puraaNa

Perhaps very old, earlier than 300 AD since viSNu puraaNa mentions it, but the extant text might have taken its present form during 800-1600 AD. Called so because the universe as we know today is merely a vivarta or transformation of the eternal, absolute brahma, verily s'rii-kRSNa himself. The first section, brahma-khaaMDa, traces the evolution of the universe from the four faced brahma, the creator. prakRti-khaaMDa describes the evolution of durga, lakSmi, sarasvati, saavitri and rudra from the muula-prakRti (primeval nature) at the command of s'rii kRSNa. gaNees'a-khaaMDa describes the birth and exploits of gaNees'a and SaNmukha, the sons of s'iva and paarvati. s'rii-kRSNa-janma-khaaMDa is the detailed story of s'rii-kRSNa and his divine consort raadha. aayurveeda - the science of health and longevity, saMdhya vaMdana, worship of s'aala-graama, description of kali yuga, holiness of gaMga and tuLasi (holy basil), the story of satyavaan and saavitri, the story of manasaa-deevi - the goddess of snakes, durgaa-puuja, prognostic value of dreams, code of conduct for married women and widows, greatness of bhaarata-dees'a (India), building construction, all find a place in this puraaNa.
