bhaarati: Hinduism in Practice
Unlike other religions of the world, Hinduism is not based on one
scripture or one Church. There is a whole ocean of heritage, going all
the way back up to the veeda-s, that is part and parcel of the Hindu
religion. It is all inclusive, all encompassing, accommodative and
open. People worship different gods, follow different kinds of
religious practices, celebrate different festivals in different ways,
yet they are all Hindus. Hinduism accommodates idol worship as well as
those who oppose idol worship. Hinduism includes those who believe in
the single Ultimate Supreme Being devoid of all attributes, as also
sings the glory of so many gods with divine forms. Gods are OK and
Goddesses are also OK. You may go to temples or you may not. You may
do daily worship or you may not. You may follow the path of rituals,
the path of work with a sense of dedication and detachment, you may
follow the path of devotion, the path of music, the path of dance, or
the path of knowledge. They all lead you to the same ultimate
truth. Thus Hinduism cannot be compared with any other religion of the
world. It is not a religion at all in the sense the term is used
elsewhere in the world. Hinduism not just a bundle of rituals, dogmas
and outward observances only. Everything good is included.
Of course Hinduism has its own set of rituals, dogmas and outward
observances too. They are incidental and not central to the science of
Hinduism. Hinduism is based on strong, unshakeable foundations based
on infallible truths that cannot be falsified. To know the true
scientific spirit of Hinduism, read the pages on veedaaMta and other
dars'anas as also the veeda-s and the upaniSat-s.