bhaarati: The smRti-s: puraaNa-s

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kuurma puraaNa

Claims to be the first section, called braahmii, of a much bigger work called braahmii-saMhita in four sections. The latter three sections, bhaagavati, Saurii and vaiSNavii have been lost. Taught by Lord viSNu in his kuurma (tortoise) avataara to naarada and other sages. Perhaps a paMcaraatra work later recast by paas'upata-s during the eighth century AD. Includes topics such as duties of the four varNa-s and four aas'rama-s, evolution of prakRti (primeval nature) into the world, story of svayaMbhuva manu and his wife s'ataruupa, stories of dakSa, vaamana and bali, geneologies of RSis and yadava kings, holy places kaas'i and prayaaga, physical features of the world and of jaMbuu-dviipa (wherein lies bhaarata-varSa (India)), division of the veeda-s, the famous iis'vara-giita, s'raaddha (after death rites), praayascitta-s (expiations for sins) and praLaya (destruction of the created world).
