bhaarati: The smRti-s: puraaNa-s
naaradiiya puraaNa
Taught to naarada by sanaka and others. Said to be in two parts but
the first part known as bRhannaaradiiya puraaNa includes the entire
puraaNa and the second part seems to be an independent
treatise. Includes discussions on vrata-s, devotion to viSNu, creation
of the world, varNa and aas'rama dharma, the veedaaMga-s including
vyaakaraNa (Grammar), chaMdas (Prosody), jyootiSa (Astrology),
greatness of prayaaga, ritualistic worship, importance of fasting,
various maMtra-s and their japa. Includes lalitaa-sahasra-naama, a
version completely different from the well known one taken from
brahmaaMDa puraaNa.