bhaarati: The smRti-s: puraaNa-s

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padma puraaNa

Primarily a vaiSNava work. Voluminous. In five parts: sRSTi-khaMDa, bhuumi-khaMDa, svarga-khaMDa, paataaLa-khaMDa and uttara-khaMDa. Of the two distinct recensions, the South Indian is available in print but not the Bengal recension. Topics covered include brahmaa's sacrifice, legends of dadhiici, vRtra, nahuSa, yayaati and s'akuMtalaa, holy gaMga, prayaaga, kaas'i and gaya, worlds of goblins, gaMdharva-s and heaven, varNaas'rama dharma, vrata-s, s'raaddha-s, worship of viSNu and s'iva, importance of sahasra-naama-s, karma, etc.
