bhaarati: The smRti-s: puraaNa-s

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varaaha puraaNa

Lord viSNu in his varaaha (boar) avataara taught this to bhuu-deevi (Mother Earth). While other puraaNa-s like matsya-puraaNa quote this as containing 24,000 verses, the extant part has only 10,000 verses. There are two recensions - gauDiiya and daakSiNaatya, with some differences. Deals with dharma, vrata-s, places of pilgrimage, daana, images of deities, worship, as'auca (ceremonial impurity), s'raaddha, theory of karma, hells, cosmology, sins and their expiation, etc. The madhuraakhyaana and the naacikeetoopaakhyaana are well known episodes.
